There is an urgent need for developing "low-carbon" synthesis technology to prepare aerogel composites with both high mechanical strength and efficient thermal insulation for applications of modern aerospace and energy saving. Herein, we propose a strategy for fabricating lightweight phenolic aerogel composites with thick-united connected nano-structure and good aerogel-fiber interfacial compatibility. The specific micro-nano structure and optimized material synergism endow the aerogel composites with an ultrahigh tensile strength (12.84 ± 0.64 MPa), bending strength (24.69 ± 1.96 MPa) and compressive strength (1.7 ± 0.053 MPa under 5 % strain), as well as low thermal conductivity (0.0541 ± 0.0003 W/(m·K)). The aerogel composites behave excellent ablation-resistance under the flame of 1200 °C within 30 min and maintain a cold-side temperature of 56.07 °C without any shape change. The rigid-flexible comminated aerogel composites open up a new technical track for developing lightweight thermal protective composites with high strength, toughness, and efficient thermal insulation demanded in extreme environments.