Frontolateral Approach Combined with Endoscopic Endonasal Extradural Posterior Clinoidectomy to the Upper Clival Region: Anatomic and Feasibility Study
Matteo de Notaris,Lili Laleva,Toma Spiriev,Iacopo Dallan,G Nuzzo,José Pineda,Alberto Prats-Galino,Giuseppe Catapano
Surgical management of lesions located in the upper clival region is challenging. Complex open transcranial approaches have been used to reach surgical targets in these areas. The frontotemporozygomatic approach combined with an intradural posterior clinoidectomy has been proposed as the most reliable route to manage such lesions. We investigated combining a minimally invasive endoscopic endonasal extradural posterior clinoidectomy (EPC) with a standard frontolateral approach to expand the working area within the upper clival region. Investigators dissected 10 human cadaveric heads at the Laboratory of Surgical NeuroAnatomy of the University of Barcelona. The heads were positioned to simulate a supine position, enabling the simultaneous use of both endonasal and frontolateral routes. The dissections were divided into 3 steps—standard frontolateral approach, EPC, and re-evaluation of the frontolateral route—aiming to compare the surgical exposure before and after EPC. After EPC, through the frontolateral pathway it was possible to improve visualization and working angles to the interpeduncular fossa and retrosellar and upper clival regions. Increase in extension of the carotid-oculomotor window was 7 mm and 10 mm before and after the posterior clinoidectomy, respectively. EPC provided extra working space for the frontolateral approach to the upper clival area with 42.8% expansion of the carotid-oculomotor triangle. Surgical series are needed to demonstrate clinical advantages and disadvantages of this novel combined approach.