According to studies by Dociu (1978), the resorption of Vicryl sutures causes only a slight foreign-body reaction in the back musculature of rats. Similarly, in experimental studies by Bowald et al. (1978) Vicryl mesh is reported to be an excellent material for use in the reconstruction of arteries; the chief virtue attributed to it is that it promotes cell proliferation during the healing process, and so promotes the growth of new arterial walls. Stimulated by Dociu's and Bowald's favourable results, we decided to study the influence of an impregnated, and hence stiffer, Vicryl mesh on the outcome of myringoplasties. Myringoplasties were performed on both ears of 15 cats. One ear drum of each cat was reconstructed with fascia and Vicryl mesh, the other (= control) ear drum with fascia only. In addition, myringoplasties with autologous fascia and Vicryl mesh were performed on 18 patients. The absorption of Vicryl mesh results in a temporary but pronounced foreign-body reaction. In consequence, the tympanic membrane temporarily thickens and is thoroughly vasculated. According to our findings Vicryl mesh does not promote the growth of a new tympanic membrane. In our patients we noticed pulpy swelling of the fascia after myringoplastic surgery with fascia and Vicryl mesh. From the above we conclude that Vicryl mesh is not suitable for splintage in myringoplastic surgery.