Effect of Structural Inhomogeneity and Nonreciprocal Effects in the Interaction of Macroparticles on the Dynamic Properties of a Dusty Plasma Monolayer
The dynamic properties of a quasi-two-dimensional dusty plasma structure consisting of negatively charged dust particles have been studied. The interaction between the particles is described taking into account the asymmetry of the distribution of the electrostatic potential around them. Asymmetry is caused by the presence of an ion flow in the region of existence of a monolayer and leads to the violation of reciprocity of the effective interactions between particles and the violation of Newton’s third law for them. It has been demonstrated that the spatial distribution of the dynamic properties of the dusty plasma monolayer such as the kinetic energy of the particles, the amplitude of their thermal vibrations, and the nonideality parameter in the system are generally nonuniform. The central region of the ordered monolayer can be both more and less nonideal than the boundary region, depending on the parameters of the dusty plasma. This unique effect occurs because a hybrid mode can appear in the center of the monolayer without the melting of the system. The characters of inhomogeneity of the dynamic properties of the Yukawa and dusty plasma monolayers are significantly different. The results obtained allow a qualitatively new view on the dynamic properties of strongly nonideal dusty plasma systems.