Características clínicas de pacientes con abdomen abierto en la UCI. Análisis retrospectivo
María Dolores Navarro-Chagoya,Brigitte del Carmen Tejeda-Huezo,Saira Sanjuana Gómez-Flores,Luis Alejandro Sánchez-Hurtado
期刊:Revista médica del Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social [Publicidad Permanyer, SLU] 日期:2021-07-23卷期号:58 (2): 108-113
Background The open abdomen is a surgical management strategy in patients with increased intra-abdominal pressure or when the abdominal wall cannot be closed. Objective The aim of this study is to describe the characteristics and clinical outcome of a group of surgical patients with open abdomen who have been admitted to an ICU. Material and mehotds Retrospective study in an ICU of a public hospital of reference with subjects admitted with open abdomen. The clinical and demographic characteristics were recorded upon admission to the ICU and were associated with the risk of death in the ICU. Results We included 30 patients, with mean of age 51.97 ± 17.77 years. The main reason for admission to the ICU was abdominal sepsis. The severity of the disease by APACHE II was median of 14 points and a SOFA with median of 4.5 points. The lethality in ICU was 46.7%. Conclusion The mortality of patients with open abdomen in ICU is high. Surviving subjects have higher number of surgical reoperations and a greater risk of whole cutaneous fistulas.