Enzyme deactivation kinetics is often first-order. Different examples of first-order deactivation kinetics exhibited by different enzymes under a wide variety of conditions are presented. Examples of both soluble and immobilized enzymes are presented. The influence of different parameters, chemical modification of specific residues, inhibitors, inactivators, protecting agents, induced conformational changes by external agents, enzyme concentration, and different substrates on the first-order inactivation kinetics of different enzymes is analyzed. The different examples presented from a variety of different areas provides a judicious framework and collection demonstrating the wide applicability of first-order deactivation kinetics. Examples of reversible first-order deactivation kinetics and deactivation-disguise kinetics are also presented. Different mechanisms are also presented to model complex enzyme deactivations. The non-series type mechanisms are emphasized and these involve the substrate and chemical modifiers. Substrate-dependent deactivation rate expressions that are of "separable" and "non-separable" type are presented. Rate expressions involving time-dependent rate constants along with their corresponding mechanisms are presented. Examples of enzymes that exhibit a deactivation-free grace period are also given. An interesting case of enzyme inactivation is the loss of activity in the presence of an auto-decaying reagent. The method is presented by which the intrinsic inactivation rate constants may be obtained. Examples of pH-dependent enzyme inactivation are presented that may be modelled by a five-step (or a simplified two-step) mechanism, and also by a single-step mechanism involving residual activity for the final state. Appropriate examples of enzyme inactivation are presented in each case to highlight the different mechanisms involved.