Importance of amylose chain-length distribution in determining starch gelatinization and retrogradation property of wheat flour in the presence of different salts
Although starch gelatinization and retrogradation properties of wheat flour have been studied with respect to their relations to starch structures, it remains less understood how starch structure and salt (a common food additive) together determine these properties. Gelatinization and retrogradation properties of seven wheat flours with distinct starch structures were thus investigated after adding different salts. NaCl most efficiently increased starch gelatinization temperatures, while KCl showed highest efficiency in retarding the retrogradation degree. Both gelatinization and retrogradation parameters were significantly affected by amylose structural parameters and types of salts. E.g., wheat flours with longer amylose long chains had more heterogeneous amylopectin double helices during gelatinization, while this relationship disappeared after adding NaCl. More amylose short chains increased the heterogeneity of retrograded short-range starch double helices, while the relationship was opposite after adding NaCl. These results help a better understanding of the complex relationship between starch structure and physicochemical property.