Evidence is being consolidated that shows that the utilization of antenatal and immunization services has declined in low-income countries (LICs) during the COVID-19 pandemic. Very little is known about the effects of the pandemic on antenatal and immunization service utilization in The Gambia. We set out to explore the COVID-19-related factors affecting the utilization of antenatal and immunization services in two Local Government Areas (LGAs) in The Gambia.A qualitative methodology was used to explore patients' and providers' experiences of antenatal and immunization services during the pandemic in two LGAs in The Gambia. Thirty-one study participants were recruited from four health facilities, applying a theory-driven sampling framework, including health workers as well as female patients. Qualitative evidence was collected through theory-driven semi-structured interviews, and was recorded, translated into English, transcribed, and analysed thematically, applying a social-ecological framework.In our interviews, we identified themes at five different levels: individual, interpersonal, community, institutional and policy factors. Individual factors revolved around patients' fear of being infected in the facilities, and of being quarantined, and their anxiety about passing on infections to family members. Interpersonal factors involved the reluctance of partners and family members, as well as perceived negligence and disrespect by health workers. Community factors included misinformation within the community and mistrust of vaccines. Institutional factors included the shortage of health workers, closures of health facilities, and the lack of personal protective equipment (PPEs) and essential medicines. Finally, policy factors revolved around the consequences of COVID-19 prevention measures, particularly the shortage of transport options and mandatory wearing of face masks.Our findings suggest that patients' fears of contagion, perceptions of poor treatment in the health system, and a general anxiety around the imposing of prevention measures, undermined the uptake of services. In future emergencies, the government in The Gambia, and governments in other LICs, will need to consider the unintended consequences of epidemic control measures on the uptake of antenatal and immunization services.