Thierry Brue,Haïfa Rahabi,Abdoulaye Barry,Anne Barlier,Jérôme Bertherat,Françoise Borson‐Chazot,Frédéric Castinetti,Laure Cazabat,Olivier Chabre,Nicolas Chevalier,Sophie Christin-Maître,Christine Cortet,D. Drui,Peter Kamenický,C Lançon,Frédéric Lioté,Isabelle Pellegrini,Rachel Reynaud,Sylvie Salenave,Igor Tauveron,Philippe Touraine,Marie‐Christine Vantyghem,Bruno Vergès,Delphine Vezzosi,Chiara Villa,Gérald Raverot,R. Coutant,Philippe Chanson,F. Albarel
Acromegaly is a rare disease with prevalence of approximately 60 cases per million, slight female predominance and peak onset in adults in the fourth decade. Clinical diagnosis is often delayed by several years due to the slowly progressive onset of symptoms. There are multiple clinical criteria that define acromegaly: dysmorphic syndrome of insidious onset, symptoms related to the pituitary tumor (headaches, visual disorders), general signs (sweating, carpal tunnel syndrome, joint pain, etc.), complications of the disease (musculoskeletal, cardiovascular, pneumological, dental, metabolic comorbidities, thyroid nodules, colonic polyps, etc.) or sometimes clinical signs of associated prolactin hypersecretion (erectile dysfunction in men or cycle disorder in women) or concomitant mass-induced hypopituitarism (fatigue and other symptoms related to pituitary hormone deficiencies). Biological confirmation is based initially on elevated IGF-I and lack of GH suppression on oral glucose tolerance test or an elevated mean GH on repeated measurements. In confirmed cases, imaging by pituitary MRI identifies the causal tumor, to best determine management. In a minority of cases, acromegaly can be linked to a genetic predisposition, especially when it occurs at a young age or in a familial context. The first-line treatment is most often surgical removal of the somatotroph pituitary tumor, either immediately or after transient medical treatment. Medical treatments are most often proposed in patients not controlled by surgical removal. Conformal or stereotactic radiotherapy may be discussed on a case-by-case basis, especially in case of drug inefficacy or poor tolerance. Acromegaly should be managed by a multidisciplinary team, preferably within an expert center such as a reference or skill center for rare pituitary diseases.