M. F. L. Abdullah,Bhagwan Das,Mohd Shah Nor Shahida
In this paper the chromatic dispersion is reduced using frequency domain technique. Frist an analog signal of specific frequency is generated then signal is converted in digital domain. Digital signal is modulated with QAM scheme. Electrical to optical conversion is performed using intensity modulation. Then this optical signal is propagated in to the fiber channel using the Split step Fourier method which use Nonlinear Schrodinger Equation (NLSE). In this simulated optical channel the 15 Km distance is simulated. At the end of fiber link signal is converted in optical to electrical domain for demodulation. Then Frequency domain techniques FFT is applied to reduce the CD. Pulse shaping filter is used to improve the response signal. During the propagation of signal in the channel signal's phase is distorted to improve phase Kaiser Window is used. Pulse evaluation model is compared before and after chromatic dispersion reduction that illustrate that CD is reduced due to frequency domain technique.