The effects of the interface defects on the gate leakage current have been numerically modeled. The results demonstrate that the shallow and deep traps have different effects on the dependence relation of the stress-induced leakage current on the oxide electric field in the regime of direct tunneling, whereas both traps keep the same dependence relation in the regime of Fowler–Nordheim tunneling. The results also shows that the stress-induced leakage current will be the largest at a moderate oxide voltage for the electron interface traps but it increases with the decreasing oxide voltage for the hole interface traps. The results illustrate that the stress-induced leakage current strongly depends on the location of the electron interface traps but it weakly depends on the location of the hole interface traps. The increase in the gate leakage current caused by the electron interface traps can predict the increase, then decrease in the stress-induced leakage current, with decreasing oxide thickness, which is observed experimentally. And the electron interface trap level will have a large effect on the peak height and position.