The thesis consists of three parts. In Part I, we consider partially overdeterminedboundary-value problemS for Laplace PDE in a planar simply connected domain withLipschitz boundary. Assuming Dirichlet and Neumann data available on its part to be realvaluedfunctions of certain regularity, we develop a non-iterative method for solving thisill-posed Cauchy problem choosing as a regularizing parameter L2 bound of the solutionon complementary part of the boundary. The present complex-analytic approach alsonaturally allows imposing additional pointwise constraints on the solution which, onpractical side, can help incorporating outlying boundary measurements without changingthe boundary into a less regular one. Part II is concerned with spectral structure of atruncated Poisson operator arising in various physical applications. We deduce importantproperties of solutions, discuss connections with other problems and pursue differentreductions of the formulation for large and small values of asymptotic parameter yieldingsolutions by means of solving simpler integral equations and ODEs. In Part III, we dealwith a particular inverse problem arising in real physical experiments performed withSQUID microscope. The goal is to recover certain magnetization features of a sample frompartial measurements of one component of magnetic field above it. We develop newmethods based on Kelvin and Fourier transformations resulting in estimates of netmoment components.