This work compared the macro-phenomenon, voltage response, surface temperature, mass loss and material characteristics of LiCoO2 (LCO), LiMn2O4 (LMO), Li(NixCoyMnz)O2 (NCM), LiFePO4 (LFP) cells with the same capacity under penetration tests. The tests provided an in-depth study on behaviors and properties of internal short circuit (ISC) and thermal runaway (TR). From the results, a feature was discovered that the parameters of different types of cells showed different tendencies when penetrated with a series of diameter nails, determined by cathode materials. The LFP cell experienced a slight ISC. Temperature rise rate and maximum temperature increased with larger diameter of nails. The NCM, LCO and LMO cells experienced a severe ISC. The maximum temperature of cells increased, however, the temperature rise rate reduced and macro-phenomena delayed and weakened with larger diameter of nails. For different type of cells, the order of ISC sensitivity was as follows: LCO > LMO > NCM > LFP. As state of charge (SOC) increased, the cells had a higher risk of TR, evidenced by higher surge current and temperature rise rate. The results of nail penetration tests at 100 % SOC indicated that the hazard of TR was arranged in the order of LCO > NCM > LMO > LFP. Due to the fragmentation of secondary particles during the extrusion of nail, the cathode composed of secondary particles suffered more damage than composed of primary particles. The research can provide support for the safety design of cells.