Attenuated functional processing of non-drug rewards in striatal regions is an important mechanism in the transition from normal to hazardous alcohol use. Recent interventions seek to enhance nondrug reward processing through mindfulness, a mechanism that targets attention regulation and self-regulatory processes. It is yet unclear which specific aspects of mindfulness and which stages of reward processing are relevant preventive targets, particularly in adolescence, where alcohol use is often initiated and reward relating processing streams undergo continuous maturation. Fifty-four 14- and 16-year-old adolescents (54% female) completed the monetary incentive delay task (MID) during event-related functional magnetic resonance imaging. Alcohol use and dispositional mindfulness facets were measured using self-report instruments. Mindful Attention Regulation was positively associated with anticipatory reward processing in ventral striatum, whereas feedback-related processing in dorsal striatum was associated with the mindfulness facet Body-Listening. Only Attention Regulation was additionally associated with frequency of alcohol consumption and mediated the relationship between functional activation in ventral striatum during reward anticipation and alcohol use. Attention Regulation, beyond other mindfulness facets, might contribute to potentially triggering neural mechanisms of anticipatory, but not feedback-related reward processing and alcohol use, presenting a potential target for preventive efforts in combating transitions to substance-related disorders in adolescents.