Sumera Zaib,Nehal Rana,Imtiaz Khan,Abdul Waris,Juber Akhtar
Abstract: Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is a highly widespread disorder caused by a disturbed endocrine system. The Rotterdam criteria have classified 4 phenotypes of PCOS. This syndrome has multifactorial pathophysiology triggered by a disturbed neuroendocrine system, which further produces abnormal levels of luteinizing hormone, follicle-stimulating hormone, androgen, estrogen, and progesterone, leading towards the risk of metabolic and reproductive diseases. PCOS is associated with an increased risk of developing health problems like hyperinsulinemia, diabetes mellitus, hypertension, cardiovascular disorders, dyslipidaemia, endometrial hyperplasia, anxiety and depression. These days, PCOS has become a scientific issue due to complex aetiology with multi- complex physiology. Due to the unavailability of specific medicines, there is no cure for PCOS; however, certain symptoms could be treated. The scientific community is actively looking for various treatment options too. In this context, the current review summarizes the challenges, consequences and various treatment options for PCOS. Various literature reports provide evidence that PCOS can be identified in early infancy, adolescents and women at the menopausal stage. Most commonly, PCOS is caused by multifactorial agents, including genetics and negative lifestyle. Metabolic consequences from obesity, insulin resistance, and vascular disorder have increased the rate of PCOS. This study also highlights psychological morbidity in PCOS women that have an adverse effect on health-related quality of life (HRQoL). PCOS symptoms can be treated using different strategies, including oral contraceptive drugs, surgical treatment (laparoscopic ovarian drilling (LOD), assisted reproductive techniques (ART), and Chinese acupuncture treatment.