The Fresnel-Airy equations for quasi-anisotropic media are derived.In isotropic and in some anisotropic media, an elliptically polarized plane electromagnetic wave can be represented as two independent waves with linear polarization.Such media admit a generalization of the Fresnel equations and are called quasi-isotropic.The purpose of this paper is to derive the Fresnel-Airy equations that allow solving Fresnel problems for multilayer quasi-anisotropic media plates with arbitrary thicknesses.For example, resonant structures appearing on the angular diagrams of reflection and transmission coefficients for thick layers of isotropic and anisotropic ice covered with a thin layer of water are considered.With such observations, it is sufficient to change the orientation of the recording device and there is no need to change the thickness of the plates.The dielectric constant of ice, orthogonal to the plane of reflection, affects only waves with p-polarization.The dielectric constant of ice parallel to the plane of reflection affects only waves with s-polarization.Resonance effects between the waves in the ice plate and in a thin layer of water are theoretically obtained.In the Appendix, the components of the tensors of complex permittivity and Complex permeability that are admissible for quasi-anisotropic media are discussed.The class of quasi-anisotropic media is much broader than the cases considered in the example, it includes all isotropic media, as well as some ferromagnetic and, possibly, gyrotropic media under certain conditions.