To investigate the status of geriatric doctors’ acknowledge and treatment of outpatients with lower urinary tract symptoms in 15 Chinese cities.
The investigation was conducted in 15 Chinese cities and involved 1056 geriatric doctors from December 2013 to February 2014.The questionnaire survey was made in behavior, attitude, skill and knowledge(BASK)of LUTS.The geriatric doctors participated in the investigation by answering the questionnaires about acknowledge for definition, etiology, diagnosis and treatment of the LUTS, and in results discussion, which was aimed at improving participants' cognition for diagnosis and treatment of elderly LUTS and at strengthening the practice.The final objective was to promote diagnosis standardization and to improve the level of clinical diagnosis and treatment for the elderly LUTS.
95.9% of geriatric doctors considered that they knew well the main clinical manifestations of LUTS.However, 34.3% of geriatric doctors were able to classify the symptoms of LUTS correctly.More than 90.0% of geriatric doctors considered that the causes of LUTS were variable and they mastered the common cause of LUTS.But, 38.0% of them were able to completely master the causes of LUTS and 35.5% would actively ask outpatients about the symptoms.70.0% of the doctors thought they were familiar with the initial manifestations of LUTS and benign prostatic hypertrophy(BPH). However, many Chinese geriatric doctors didn’t follow up the guidelines and 30.0% of them failed to evaluate the severity of LUTS via IPSS(International Prostatic Symptom Score).75.8% of geriatric doctors considered that they would give the patients the best treatment options by comprehensive assessment.However, 60.0% of them didn’t know that α1 receptor blocker was the first line of treatment option of patients with moderate-severe LUST.More than half of them were unclear that the patients with prostate volume under 40 ml could be treated by α1 receptor blocker.82.3% of geriatric doctors considered that LUTS and hypertension should be treated respectively.But, 55.0% of them didn’t know that ALLHAT trial has proved that Doxazosin would increase the risk of cardiovascular event.
The geriatric doctors are now able to pay attention to outpatients with LUTS, but still should further strengthen their acknowledge on the definition, cause, diagnosis and treatment of LUTS.
Key words:
Urologic diseases; Questionnaires