This paper applies a T-S fuzzy model to depict a class of nonlinear time-varying-delay singular systems and investigates the dissipative filtering problem for these systems under deception attacks. The measurement output is assumed to encounter random deception attacks during signal transmission, and a Bernoulli distribution is used to describe this random phenomena. In this case, the filtering error system modeled by a stochastic singular T-S fuzzy system is established and stochastic admissibility for this kind of system is defined firstly. Then, by combining some integral inequalities and using the Lyapunov–Krasovskii functional approach, sufficient delay-dependent conditions are presented based on linear matrix inequality techniques, where the system of filtering error can be stochastically admissible and strictly -dissipative against randomly occurring deception attacks. Moreover, parameters of the desired filter can be obtained via the solutions of the established conditions. The validity of our work is illustrated through a mostly used example of the nonlinear system.