The Fertility Problem Inventory (FPI) is an instrument to measure infertility-related stress, and has been widely used in a range of clinical settings. It has been translated into several languages, however there is no validated Mandarin version. The present study tests the psychometric properties of the Mandarin version of FPI (M-FPI). A hospital sample of 223 infertile Chinese couples (223 men and 223 women) completed the M-FPI along with other measures including demographics, Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale, and Marlowe-Crowne Social Desirability Scale, which were used to assess the reliability and validity of the Mandarin version of FPI. Results showed that the M-FPI was best reduced to a five? factor solution, and all 46 items of the M-FPI showed moderate to high internal consistency. In addition, the test of convergent and discriminant validity from this study indicated satisfactory results. These results indicate that the M-FPI as an instrument is reliable and valid for use with infertile Chinese couples in clinical assessment.