Abstract The U-box type ubiquitin ligase PUB44 positively regulates pattern-triggered immunity in rice. Here, we identify PBI1, a protein that interacts with PUB44. Crystal structure analysis indicates that PBI1 forms a four-helix bundle structure. PBI1 also interacts with WRKY45, a master transcriptional activator of rice immunity, and negatively regulates its activity. PBI1 is degraded upon perception of chitin, and this is suppressed by silencing of PUB44 or expression of XopP , indicating that PBI1 degradation depends on PUB44. These data suggest that PBI1 suppresses WRKY45 activity when cells are in an unelicited state, and during chitin signaling, PUB44-mediated degradation of PBI1 leads to activation of WRKY45. In addition, chitin-induced MAP kinase activation is required for WRKY45 activation and PBI1 degradation. These results demonstrate that chitin-induced activation of WRKY45 is regulated by the cooperation between MAP kinase-mediated phosphorylation and PUB44-mediated PBI1 degradation.