There have been global economic crises and inflation based on fluctuations of oil price, supply shock, demand shock, and interest rate shock since the 1970s. On the one hand, the cost of living has been increasing and people complain about how life is too expensive. On the other hand, people donate huge amounts of clothes to charity shops in New Zealand and this situation causes a big waste crisis. It is very clear that there is an excessive spending behavior on goods. The aim of this study is to examine the 'Space Invaders' TV production in terms of excessive shopping behaviors/shopaholics and decluttering within ecopedagogy. A case study within a qualitative approach was used as methodology in this study. The data was collected by discourse analysis. At the end of this study, three common points were determined: Excessive shopping behavior; cluttered homes and uncontrolled budget. It is thought that ecopedagogy-based education programs should be designed to improve critical thinking skills of people and to change their behavior socially, economically and environmentally.