In this study, we proposed a wideband, gain-enhanced, and high radiation efficiency (REFF) groove gap waveguide (GGW) metal slot antenna using metal pin array. The proposed antenna consists of a GGW feed metal layer and a slot radiation metal layer. The open short sides of the GGW contribute a wide working bandwidth, while the introduction of metal pin arrays positioned on both sides of the radiation slot enhances the antenna's gain and front-to-back ratio (FBR), promoting the symmetry of the radiation patterns. The measured results of the antenna agree well with the simulation results. It exhibits a wide working bandwidth of 63.4-88.8 GHz with voltage standing wave ratio (VSWR) less than 2, gain of 10-13 dBi, high REFF of 80%-95%, and high FBR of 30-45 dB. The proposed antenna can be used for broadband millimeter wave (MMW) communication and MMW imaging.