Hans Pottel,Jonas Björk,Andrew D. Rule,Natalie Ebert,Bjørn O. Eriksen,Laurence Dubourg,Anna F. Dominiczak,Anders Grubb,Magnus Hansson,Edmund J. Lamb,Karin Littmann,Christophe Mariat,Toralf Melsom,Elke Schaeffner,Per‐Ola Sundin,Anna Åkesson,Anders Larsson,Pierre Delanaye,Justine Busanga Bukabau,Ernest Kiswaya Sumaili,Eric Yayo,Dagui Monnet,Martin Flamant,Ulf Nyman,Pierre Delanaye
The accuracy of estimation of kidney function with the use of routine metabolic tests, such as measurement of the serum creatinine level, has been controversial. The European Kidney Function Consortium (EKFC) developed a creatinine-based equation (EKFC eGFRcr) to estimate the glomerular filtration rate (GFR) with a rescaled serum creatinine level (i.e., the serum creatinine level is divided by the median serum creatinine level among healthy persons to control for variation related to differences in age, sex, or race). Whether a cystatin C-based EKFC equation would increase the accuracy of estimated GFR is unknown.