The usage of the point cloud surface reconstruction to generate high-precision 3D models has been widely applied in various fields. In order to deal with the problems of insufficient accuracy, pseudo-surfaces and high time cost caused by the traditional surface reconstruction algorithms of the point cloud data, this paper proposes an improved Poisson surface reconstruction algorithm based on the boundary constraints. For large density point cloud data obtained from 3D laser scanning, the proposed method firstly uses an octree instead of the KD-tree to search the near neighborhood; then, it uses the Open Multi-Processing (OpenMP) to accelerate the normal estimation based on the moving least squares algorithm; meanwhile, the least-cost spanning tree is employed to adjust the consistency of the normal direction; and finally a screened Poisson algorithm with the Neumann boundary constraints is proposed to reconstruct the point cloud. Compared with the traditional methods, the experiments on three open datasets demonstrated that the proposed method can effectively reduce the generation of pseudo-surfaces. The reconstruction time of the proposed algorithm is about 16% shorter than that of the traditional Poisson reconstruction algorithm, and produce better reconstruction results in the term of quantitative analysis and visual comparison.