Molecular composition and chemodiversity of dissolved organic matter in wastewater sludge via Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance mass spectrometry: Effects of extraction methods and electrospray ionization modes
High-resolution mass spectrometry was extensively applied in molecular composition and transformation pathways of dissolved organic matter (DOM) in wastewater sludge treatments. Sample pretreatment methods and electrospray ionization (ESI) modes significant affect the accuracy of molecular characterization for DOM. This study investigated the effects of pretreatment methods (styrene divinyl benzene polymer (PPL), octadecyl (C18), and electrodialysis (ED)) on molecular characteristics of DOM in two typical wastewater sludges (waste activated sludge (WAS) and anaerobic digestion sludge (ADS)) analyzed by FT-ICR MS in both positive ESI (ESI (+)) and negative ESI (ESI (-)) modes. The results indicated that ED pretreatment exhibited the highest recovery rate of 70% ‒ 95% for sludge-derived DOM. ED and PPL performed well in recovering the different sludge-derived DOM with a high similarity of molecular characteristics (e.g., lipids, proteins/aliphatic, and lignins/CRAM-like), and the C18 method was ineffective in extracting carbohydrates, unsaturated hydrocarbons, and amino sugars. In addition, compared with single ESI (-) analysis mode, the molecular number identified by ESI (+) analysis mode was increased by 200%, especially, more unsaturated hydrocarbons and N-containing compounds were detected. Except for biogenic DOM, plenty of emerging containments (ECs) in sludge-derived DOM were identified; ESI (-) mode was more effectively in recognizing the alkyl benzene sulfonic acids (e.g., anionic surfactants); and ESI (+) mode was more effectively for plasticizers identification, for example, dioctyl terephthalate and dibutyl phthalate. This study illustrated that ED pretreatment coupled with FT-ICR MS in dual ESI modes could give more insights in complexed molecular information for DOM in wastewater sludge, and provides a theoretical basis for subsequent sludge treatments and disposals.