Amadori rearrangement products of asparagine with glucose (Asn-Glc-ARP) were first prepared through Maillard model reactions and identified via liquid chromatography–mass spectroscopy. With the study on the effect of the reaction temperature, pH values, and reaction time, the ideal reaction condition for accumulation of Asn-Glc-ARP was determined at 100 °C for 40 min under pH 7. Asparagine (Asn) was prone to degrade from Asn-Glc-ARP in alkaline pH values within a lower temperature range, while in an acidic environment with high temperatures, deamidation of Asn-Glc-ARP to Asp-Glc-ARP (Amadori rearrangement products of aspartic acid with glucose) was displayed as the dominant pathway. The deamidation reaction on the side chain of the amide group took place at Asn-Glc-ARP and transferred it into the hydroxyl group, forming Asp-Glc-ARP at the end. Considering that lyophilization as pretreatment led to limited water activity, a single aspartic acid was not deamidated from Asn directly nor did it degrade from Asp-Glc-ARP even at 120 °C. The degradation of Asn-Glc-ARP through tandem mass spectrometry (MS/MS) analysis showed the obvious fragment ion at m/z 211, indicating that the stable oxonium ion formed during fragmentation. The structure of Asn-Glc-ARP was proposed as 1-deoxy-1-l-asparagino-d-fructose after separation and purification. Also, the content of Asn-Glc-ARP within dry jujube fruit (HeTianYuZao) was quantitated as high as 8.1 ± 0.5 mg/g.