The rise of multi-morbidity constitutes a serious challenge in the organisation of care and requires successful integration to counter the threat of fragmentation. The EU Horizon2020-funded project ‘Sustainable Integrated Care Models for Multi-Morbidity: Delivery, Financing and Performance’ (SELFIE) aims to increase the knowledge-base on integrated care for multi-morbidity. During this session four presentations on initial findings will be presented. First, (1) a conceptual framework for integrated care for multi-morbidity will be presented that was developed on the basis of an extensive scoping review and workshops with stakeholders. The framework was subsequently used to describe 17 promising integrated care programmes for multi-morbidity in the 8 SELFIE partner countries. (2) The overarching barriers and facilitators to their implementation will be presented. Next, (3) the different financial and payment schemes applied in these programmes will be described and compared. Lastly, (4) the planned Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis evaluations will be presented.