As machine learning (ML) is gaining an increasingly prominent role in chemical research, so is the need to assess the quality and applicability of ML models, compare different ML models, and develop best-practice guidelines for their design and utilization. Statistical loss function metrics and uncertainty quantification techniques are key issues in this context. Different analyses highlight different facets of a model’s performance, and a compilation of metrics, as opposed to a single metric, allows for a well-rounded understanding of what can be expected from a model. They also allow us to identify unexplored regions of chemical space and pursue their survey. Metrics can thus make an important contribution to further democratize ML in chemistry; promote best practices; provide context to predictions and methodological developments; lend trust, legitimacy, and transparency to results from ML studies; and ultimately advance chemical domain knowledge. This review aims to draw attention to two issues of concern when we set out to make machine learning work in the chemical and materials domain, that is, statistical loss function metrics for the validation and benchmarking of data-derived models, and the uncertainty quantification of predictions made by them. They are often overlooked or underappreciated topics as chemists typically only have limited training in statistics. Aside from helping to assess the quality, reliability, and applicability of a given model, these metrics are also key to comparing the performance of different models and thus for developing guidelines and best practices for the successful application of machine learning in chemistry. This review aims to draw attention to two issues of concern when we set out to make machine learning work in the chemical and materials domain, that is, statistical loss function metrics for the validation and benchmarking of data-derived models, and the uncertainty quantification of predictions made by them. They are often overlooked or underappreciated topics as chemists typically only have limited training in statistics. Aside from helping to assess the quality, reliability, and applicability of a given model, these metrics are also key to comparing the performance of different models and thus for developing guidelines and best practices for the successful application of machine learning in chemistry. in a binary classification problem, each sample belongs to either one class or the other (i.e., it has a known probability of 1.0 for one class and 0.0 for the other). A classifier model can estimate the probability of a sample belonging to each class. The binary cross-entropy is used as a metric to assess the difference between the two probability distributions and thus the uncertainty of a classifier’s prediction. (Also see cross-entropy, categorical cross-entropy, and log loss.) for multiclass classification problems, that is, for problems involving more than two categories (classes) of data, the cross-entropy measures the difference between the probability distribution of a sample belonging to one class and the probability distribution of that sample not belonging to that class (i.e. belonging to any of the other classes). This metric is known as categorical cross-entropy. (Also see binary cross-entropy.) a measure of the difference between two probability distributions for a given set of samples. (Also see binary cross-entropy, categorical cross-entropy, and log loss.) This is a heuristic-based approach inspired by natural selection in biological processes (i.e., survival of the fittest). It is typically employed to tackle (combinatorial) optimization problems, in which gradients (needed for gradient descent methods) are ill-defined (e.g., in problems involving discrete or categorical variables) or otherwise inaccessible. Each possible solution behaves as an individual in a population of solutions and a fitness function (itself a loss function metric) is used to determine its quality. Evolutionary optimization of the population takes place via reproduction, mutation, crossover, and selection iterations. This is a loss function metric that assesses the quality of a solution with respect to an objective of an optimization. Its output can be maximized or minimized (e.g., as part of an evolutionary algorithm). one of multiple types of mean value metrics. Given a set of sample values, the harmonic mean is the inverse of the arithmetic mean of the inverse of the sample values. in ML, hyperparameters are the parameters that define the structure of a model and control the learning process, as opposed to other parameters that are derived (‘learned’) from the data in the course of training the model. the negative logarithm of the likelihood of a set of observations given a model’s parameters. While log loss and cross-entropy are not the same by definition, they calculate the same quantity when used as fitness functions. In practice, the two terms are thus often used interchangeably. statistical error metrics used to assess the performance of ML models and the quality of their predictions. a technique to transform the feature basis, in which a set of data is described, into a basis that is adapted to the nature of the given data. The principal components are the eigenvectors of the covariance matrix of the data set. this metric is used to assess the similarity between the finite feature (e.g., descriptor, fingerprint) vectors of two samples. The similarity ranges from 0 to 1, with 0 indicating no point of intersection between the two vectors and 1 revealing completely identical vectors.