The clinical data of 97 patients who underwent laparoscopic hepatectomy from July 2007 to November 2014 in the First Affiliated Hospital of Wenzhou Medical University was collected. Of the 97 patients, 46 cases were diagnosed with hepatolithiasis, 20 with primary liver cancer, 26 with benign li-ver tumor, 1 with liver abscess, and 4 with metastatic liver cancer. The surgical approaches included laparoscopic left hepatectomy (n=16), left lateral lobectomy (n=35), right hepatectomy (n=2), right posterior lobectomy (n=1), hepatic wedge resection (n=42), and left lateral lobectomy with segment VII resection (n=1), and 4 cases underwent multi-visce-ral resection. 88 patients underwent laparoscopic hepatectomy and 9 patients were transferred to open hepatectomy. Postoperative complications included bile leakage (n=9), abdominal cavity infection (n=7), ascites (n=1), wound infection (n=1), pleural effusion (n=3) and pulmonary infection (n=1). There was no perioperative death. Taken together, laparoscopic hepatectomy is feasible and efficient for treating liver diseases and it has the advantages of minimal invasion and rapid recove-ry.
Key words:
Laparoscopy; Hepatectomy; Liver disease