Combustion noise has been traditionally thought of as stochastic fluctuations present in the background of the dynamics in combustors amongst the flow, heat release and the chamber acoustics. Through a series of determinism tests, we show that these aperiodic fluctuations are in fact chaotic of moderately high dimensions ( d 0 ≅ 8–10). These chaotic fluctuations then transition to high amplitude combustion instability when the operating conditions are varied towards leaner equivalence ratios. Precursors to such a transition from chaos to dynamics dominated by periodic oscillations are of interest to designers and operators of combustors in estimating the boundaries of operability. We introduce a test for chaos, known as 0–1 test for chaos in the literature, as a measure of the proximity of the combustor to an impending instability. The measure is robust and shows a smooth transition for variation in flow conditions towards instability enabling thresholds to be set for operational boundaries.