Abstract Photocatalysis method for environmental applications has been using for a long time. This review article traces back the origin of catalysis, its classification and journey of development to heterogeneous photocatalysis and the article’s novelty is in the simplicity, and easily understandable language, designed for the beginners. These heterogeneous photocatalysts are grouped into eleven different categories. As the paper is focused on photocatalysis, an insight on fundamental principles and mechanisms of photocatalysis are explained systematically with schematic illustrations and reactions that take place during redox- oxidation and reduction reactions in photocatalysis. With an approach towards utilizing green energy and expanding the photocatalyst’ absorption wavelength range towards the visible regime, bandgap engineering techniques by adopting doping and hetero-structures are explained with examples of different materials. In addition, dominating factors of photocatalysis reaction viz. composition of a heterogeneous photocatalyst, doping, hetero-structures, pH, surface defects on photocatalysis reaction are explored, focussing on variable charge transfer mechanisms. The main influencing factor in generating reactive oxygen species is pH of the photocatalysis reaction and are studied indetail. The effect of alkalinity or acidity in catalyst surfaces and molecular interaction depending upon the point zero charges of the photocatalyst are discussed. For the better study of catalyst properties, careful analysis and study is a much-needed field as a scope for further improvement. Hence, this article will guide a beginner to understand the photocatalysis topic with ease.