Isolation of a novel poly-γ-glutamic acid-producingBacillus licheniformisA14 strain and optimization of fermentation conditions for high-level production
In the present study, bacteria producing poly-γ-glutamic acid were isolated from marine sands, and an efficient producer identified. γ-PGA was rapidly screened by thin-layer chromatography and UV spectrophotometer assay. Media optimization was carried out, and for the cost-effective production of γ-PGA, monosodium glutamate was used as the substrate for the synthesis of γ-PGA instead of glutamic acid. Lastly, Plackett–Buman design (PB) and Response surface methodology (RSM) were used to determine significant media components and their interaction effect to achieve maximum γ-PGA production. With this integrated method, a bacterial strain with a high yield of γ-PGA was obtained rapidly, and the production was increased up to 37.8 g/L after optimization.