Based on computational fluid dynamics technology, the effect of hydrogen blending ratio (HBR) on the concentration distribution of leaked gas diffusion in utility tunnels was investigated, and based on this, the explosion characteristics of hydrogen-blended natural gas (HBNG) were studied in an inhomogeneous concentration field. The results showed that the concentration field of HBNG gradually stabilized in the downstream of the leak site, and the peak concentration increased linearly with HBR. When HBR≤5%, a high concentration region above the upper explosive limit is formed inside the gas cloud. This characteristic of the distribution induces secondary combustion in utility tunnels. The maximum flame velocity and steady acceleration distance increase with the increase of HBR. The flame shape is significantly affected by the concentration field distribution. The explosion overpressure induced by the real concentration field created multiple peak structures that exacerbated the explosion disaster complexity. The first overpressure peak at the ends was formed by the superposition of the precursor shock wave and its reflected wave, and those at other locations are caused by the shock waves. However, all maximum overpressure peaks are formed by the superposition of multiple reflections of the explosion wave. The maximum peak overpressure at both ends of the tunnel is higher than that in the middle. The explosion overpressure induced by the inhomogeneous gas cloud is lower than that caused by homogeneous gas cloud under the same volume. The research results can provide an effective reference for the anti-explosion design and risk assessment of utility tunnel.