Abstract Numerous studies reported inconsistent results concerning gender influences on the functional organization of the brain for language in children and adults. However, data for the gender differences in the functional language networks at birth are sparse. Therefore, we investigated gender differences in resting-state functional connectivity in the language-related brain regions in newborns using functional near-infrared spectroscopy. The results revealed that female newborns demonstrated significantly stronger functional connectivities between the superior temporal gyri and middle temporal gyri, the superior temporal gyri and the Broca’s area in the right hemisphere, as well as between the right superior temporal gyri and left Broca’s area. Nevertheless, statistical analysis failed to reveal functional lateralization of the language-related brain areas in resting state in both groups. Together, these results suggest that the onset of language system might start earlier in females, because stronger functional connectivities in the right brain in female neonates were probably shaped by the processing of prosodic information, which mainly constitutes newborns’ first experiences of speech in the womb. More exposure to segmental information after birth may lead to strengthened functional connectivities in the language system in both groups, resulting in a stronger leftward lateralization in males and a more balanced or leftward dominance in females.