ABSTRACTPreserving the spatial characteristics of the built environments is a critical component for retaining historical cultural value. However, there is a lack of quantitative and systematic spatial analysis of Historic Chinese Built Environments (HCBE) in the literature especially at a medium scale. This study applies angular segment analysis (ASA) to analyse both the spatial structures and morphological changes of HCBEs. Four case studies exemplifying the core characteristics of HCBEs were selected for ASA (Pingyao, Lijiang, Kulangsu, and Wuzhen). The resulting knowledge yielded by this ASA provided three outcomes including the spatial structures, the morphological changes and the influence of traditional Chinese ideology on the design and planning principles of HCBE. While the ASA has provided insights into the inherent unique characteristics of the four HCBE cases, it has also illuminated specific spatial and morphological characteristics that should be acknowledged in any future heritage-conservation or -tourism renewal planning policies and projects.KEYWORDS: Historic Chinese built environmentscomputational analysismorphologyspace syntaxspatial analysisangular segment analysis AcknowledgementThe research was supported by a University President's Scholarship from the University of South Australia. We would like to thank the anonymous reviewers for their constructive comments.Disclosure statementNo potential conflict of interest was reported by the author(s).