П. В. Новіков,О.І. Тесленко,Vadym Beldii,Eugene Lenchevsky,Олександр Сергійович Бунке
期刊:Studies in systems, decision and control日期:2023-01-01卷期号:: 355-370被引量:1
The chapter analyzes the existing technologies of thermal energy generation using high-voltage electrode boilers (HVEB). Attention is paid to the design features of HVEB for regulating the consumed electric load, as well as their dynamic characteristics. The above current state of maneuverable capacities of the energy system of Ukraine is described. The methods of conversion and conservation of electrical energy according to the Power-to-Heat concept are considered. An analysis of the methods of HVEB application in the countries of Western and Eastern Europe for the provision of system services for the regulation of electric load schedules was carried out. The efficiency of HVEB use is determined by the possibility of their integration into existing centralized heat supply networks. Another way of effectively using HVEB is Power-to-Heat transformation in case of surplus electricity production in the network. The common HVEB models are considered, and descriptions of their structures and technological processes of thermal energy production are given. The classification of HVEB types by purpose and by the method of regulation of the consumed electric power has been carried out. In accordance with the requirements of the frequency and power regulation automatic system of the energy system of Ukraine, HVEB models are defined, which are expedient to use as consumers-regulators. For the conversion of electrical energy into thermal energy with the subsequent possibility of its conservation, it is advisable to use water-heating HVEBs rather than steam generators. Thermal energy can be stored both in storage tanks and in centralized heating networks. The technology of thermal energy production with the using of HVEB allows ensuring the rate of change of electric load consumption in the range from 0.33 MW/s to 2.26 MW/s. The single power of the HVEB can reach about 60 MW. The power of the HVEB station can be increased according to the modular principle. HVEBs can be effective means of balancing of daily schedule of generation/consumption of electric energy, providing, depending on the type and model, primary or secondary regulation of frequency and power in the power system.