ABSTRACTThis paper traces the researcher's development of, and reflection on, the experience of developing a gamified learning experience for the time value of money, as a pedagogical resource for student learning and engagement with threshold concepts. A constructivist methodology was adopted to support the social and collaborative activity of learning in gamified learning experiences. The gamified learning experience for the time value of money was created and deployed as the experiment treatment for a research project which examined student engagement in learning, self-efficacy, and learning outcomes through gamification of curriculum in accounting and finance. The checks and balances employed to ensure the reliability, rigour, trustworthiness, and credibility of the treatment, and the design considerations to facilitate replication and generalisability, are described and discussed. A roadmap for development, creation, and deployment of a gamified learning experience is provided to assist educators and learning designers who are seeking to include gamified learning experiences in their courses.KEYWORDS: Threshold conceptstime value of moneygamification of learninglearning design for student engagementgamified learning experienceaccounting education Disclosure statementNo potential conflict of interest was reported by the author(s).