Heat stress is a key abiotic stressor for dairy production in the tropics which is further compounded by the ongoing climate change. Heat stress not only adversely impacts the production and welfare of dairy cows but severely impacts the economics of dairying due to production losses and increased cost of rearing. Over the years, selection has ensured development of high producing breeds, however, the thermotolerance ability of animals has been largely overlooked. In the past decade, the ill effects of climate change have made it pertinent to rethink the selection strategies to opt for climate resilient breeds, to ensure optimum production and reproduction. This has led to renewed interest in evaluation of the impacts of heat stress on cows and the underlying mechanisms that results in their acclimatization and adaptation to varied thermal ambience. The understanding of heat stress and associated responses at various level of animal is crucial to device amelioration strategies to secure optimum production and welfare of cows. With this review, an effort has been made to provide an overview on temperature humidity index as an important indicator of heat stress, general effect of heat stress in dairy cows, and impact of heat stress and subsequent response at physiological, haematological, molecular and genetic level of dairy cows.