In this tutorial, we introduce the reader to analyzing ecological momentary assessment (EMA) data as applied in psychological sciences with the use of Bayesian (generalized) linear mixed-effects models. We discuss practical advantages of the Bayesian approach over frequentist methods and conceptual differences. We demonstrate how Bayesian statistics can help EMA researchers to (a) incorporate prior knowledge and beliefs in analyses, (b) fit models with a large variety of outcome distributions that reflect likely data-generating processes, (c) quantify the uncertainty of effect-size estimates, and (d) quantify the evidence for or against an informative hypothesis. We present a workflow for Bayesian analyses and provide illustrative examples based on EMA data, which we analyze using (generalized) linear mixed-effects models to test whether daily self-control demands predict three different alcohol outcomes. All examples are reproducible, and data and code are available at Having worked through this tutorial, readers should be able to adopt a Bayesian workflow to their own analysis of EMA data.