Throughout history, aqueducts have been built to exceed obstacles on the waterway while preserving the energy of water. Our priceless cultural heritage, aqueducts must be protected to be passed on to future generations. Filling the channel with water can increase earthquake resistance due to the damping effect of water. Investigating of fluid and structure interaction of aqueducts through numerical analysis is crucial to understand their behavior under seismic forces. The aqueducts, for which 3D finite element models were prepared, were analyzed using the combined Eulerian-Lagrangian approach, taking into account two main scenarios: with and without fluid-structure interaction. With this approach, it's aimed to observe the damping effect of the fluid, the sloshing on its surface and possible water overflows. Using the CDP material model for masonry units, the analyzes were diversified with various ground motion records at different Peak Ground Acceleration values. The presence of water in the channel significantly reduced displacements, stresses and damage rates. In addition, it was seen that the spectral acceleration value of the earthquake record was more effective in causing damage rather than the PGA value. Graphics and contour diagrams are given to understand and compare the analysis results of aqueduct models under different conditions.