Front side recombination in tunnel oxide passivated contact solar cells is frequently described by the recombination parameters j 0e for the passivated and j 0e,met for the metallized front region. The combination of Al‐free metallization pastes and current‐assisted contact formation has shown significant reduction of j 0e,met . Such new metallization approaches enable shallower doping profiles and higher sheet resistances R sheet , which in turn also reduce j 0e . In this study, we provide insight into how to reduce the overall front side recombination, by tailoring the boron dopant profile from atmospheric pressure BBr 3 diffusion processes. The limitation of the dopant dose in the profile leads to a higher R sheet of the resulting profile. The newly developed homogeneous boron emitter features j 0e = 14 fA cm −2 at a R sheet = 161 Ω sq −1 , a 62% decrease from the initial value, and an even lower j 0e = 8 fA cm −2 is determined for an emitter with 330 Ω sq −1 . An increased contact resistivity on the front side still poses a challenge for Ag front side pastes despite the use of current‐assisted contact formation. Application of an alternative AgAl paste in industrial‐type fabricated TOPCon solar cells results in a maximum conversion efficiency of 24.5%.