Exposure to ionizing radiation, mechanical trauma, toxic chemicals or infections, or combinations thereof (i.e., combined injury) can induce organic injury to brain tissues, the structural disarrangement of interactive networks of neurovascular and glial cells, as well as on arrays of the paracrine and systemic destruction. This leads to subsequent decline in cognitive capacity and decompensation of mental health. There is an ongoing need for improvement in mitigating and treating radiation- or combined injury-induced brain injury. Cranial irradiation per se can cause a multifactorial encephalopathy that occurs in a radiation dose- and time-dependent manner due to differences in radiosensitivity among the various constituents of brain parenchyma and vasculature. Of particular concern are the radiosensitivity and inflammation susceptibility of: 1. the neurogenic and oligodendrogenic niches in the subependymal and hippocampal domains; and 2. the microvascular endothelium. Thus, cranial or total-body irradiation can cause a plethora of biochemical and cellular disorders in brain tissues, including: 1. decline in neurogenesis and oligodendrogenesis; 2. impairment of the blood-brain barrier; and 3. ablation of vascular capillary. These changes, along with cerebrovascular inflammation, underlie different stages of encephalopathy, from the early protracted stage to the late delayed stage. It is evident that ionizing radiation combined with other traumatic insults such as penetrating wound, burn, blast, systemic infection and chemotherapy, among others, can exacerbate the radiation sequelae (and vice versa) with increasing severity of neurogenic and microvascular patterns of radiation brain damage.