期刊:Journal of The Faculty of Engineering and Architecture of Gazi University
[Journal of the Faculty of Engineering and Architecture of Gazi University]
卷期号:36 (3): 1213-1228
The Covid-19 pandemic has shown its effects not only in public health and economy but also in numerous industries including construction industry In this sense, construction companies might face serious troubles such as disruptions in production activities in the supply chain, deterioration in cash flow, non-fulfillment of contract obligations due to Covid-19 Therefore, this study aims to investigate the effects of Covid-19 on the Turkish construction projects in terms of contractual relations between the parties of construction projects Within this aim, data were gathered from 173 construction projects and then analyzed with Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) method Results of the SEM analysis show that key dispute factors are progress payments, failure in claim notifications of contractors within the relevant period following the occurrence of pandemic in written form and failure in implementing quality monitoring and control processes due to lack of personnel with the highest factor loadings in their clusters (English) [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR] Tum dunyayi etkisi altina alan Covid-19 salgini, basta toplum sagligi ve ekonomi olmak uzere insaat sektoru de dahil olmak uzere bircok farkli sektorlerde etkisini gostermistir Bu baglamda insaat firmalarinin, Covid-19 nedeniyle uretim faaliyetleri ve tedarik zincirinde meydana gelen aksakliklar basta olmak uzere sirketlerin nakit akisinin bozulmasi, daha once akdettikleri sozlesmelerden dogan yukumluluklerin yerine getirilememesi gibi pek cok sorun ile karsi karsiya gelebilecekleri dusunulmektedir Bu baglamda calismanin amaci, mucbir sebep faktoru olarak Covid-19 salgininin Turk insaat firmalari tarafindan yurutulen insaat projelerinde taraflar arasinda sozlesmesel iliskiler bazinda etkilerinin neler oldugunun arastirilmasidir Bu calisma kapsaminda toplam 173 adet insaat projesinden toplanan veriler Yapisal Esitlik Modeli (YEM) metodu ile analiz edilmistir Calisma sonuclarina gore hak edis odemelerinin yapilamamasi, hak taleplerinin genel salgin halinin meydana geldigi tarihi izleyen ilgili sure icinde yazili olarak idareye bildirilmemesi, kalite izleme ve kontrol sureclerinin personel yetersizligi nedeniyle uygulanamamasi en yuksek faktor yukune sahip uyusmazlik etkileri olarak bulunmustur (Turkish) [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR] Copyright of Journal of the Faculty of Engineering & Architecture of Gazi University is the property of Gazi University, Faculty of Engineering & Architecture and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use This abstract may be abridged No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract (Copyright applies to all Abstracts )
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