Energy helps machines to work as per human requirements. Energy can be in any form such as solar energy, wind energy, geo thermal energy and many more. However, utilization of energy depends on application requirements, energy converters, source of energy and most important energy storage system. Some energy storage devices are required that stores the energy from various forms and gives it to load as and when required. Battery, fuel cell and supercapacitor are the examples of it. However, there is need of better electrical energy storage device. Hybrid supercapacitor can replace some of them in near future. Modeling of hybrid supercapacitor could play a significant role to achieve desired characteristics. Hybrid supercapacitor possesses characteristics of both battery and supercapacitor. Modeling of this device can be a game-changer in the energy sector as it will give full insight of issues in it. Statistical modeling can help in getting single device that can replace externally connected battery-supercapacitor combinations. Statistical modeling of the hybrid supercapacitor has been carried out with the most significant input factors related to electrodes and specific capacitance as an output parameter.