Large light-weight deployable cable net reflectors are widely used in communication satellites. These are much larger than satellite and need stowing into a relatively small volume to fit into launch vehicle and are deployed in orbit. The cable net reflectors use deployable support structure along with pretensioned cable net. Due to its large dimensions, the deployed natural frequency will be quite low and may not be acceptable from controls point of view. In such cases, the deployed frequency needs to be enhanced to ensure that the same meets the minimum requirements. This article presents a study of the different parameters, which have been varied in order to assess the sensitivity of the same with respect to the deployed frequency. The effect of the flexibility of each sub-assembly has been assumed and this has helped to identify the sub-assembly, which has to be stiffened in order to enhance the overall frequency. Also, the results from this study have provided the design inputs for modifications to be carried out in order to realize a large cable net antenna.