Unexpected supply chain disruptions are situations that could impact in high magnitude the supply chain performance. In this paper, an evaluation framework is proposed for quantifying supply chain resilience and network topology. A supply chain resilience index is hereby derived using 'system impact cost' and 'recovery effort cost' from the results of the company performance. The resilience index helps managers to consider the trade-off between resilience and cost. The supply chain network topology is evaluated with indices of density, scale and centralization. While previous researchers considered network design characteristics, the physical location of the supply chain entities has been omitted. In this work, two of the proposed network characteristics indices consider the location zones of the supply chain entities. The network analysis unveils configurations with risk concentrations. The proposed supply chain framework seeks to evaluate and compare different scenarios and strategies for use in designing and analysing supply chains. Additionally, a rating system is used to give guidance to the decision maker and to choose the best strategy depending on established objectives. A case study is used to show the applicability of the framework.