(VR) users and developers have informally reported that time seems to pass more
quickly while playing games in VR. We refer to this phenomenon as time compression: a longer real duration
is compressed into a shorter perceived experience. To investigate this effect,
we created two versions of a labyrinth-like game. The versions are identical in
their content and mode of control but differ in their display type: one was
designed to be played in VR, and the other on a conventional monitor
(CM). Participants were asked to estimate time prospectively using an
interval production method. Participants played each version of the game for a
perceived five-minute interval, and the actual durations of the intervals they
produced were compared between display conditions. We found that in the
first block, participants in the VR condition played for an average of 72.6
more seconds than participants in the CM condition before feeling that five
minutes had passed. This amounts to perceived five-minute intervals in VR
containing 28.5% more actual time than perceived five-minute intervals in
CM. However, the effect appeared to be reversed in the second block when
participants switched display conditions, suggesting large novelty and
anchoring effects, and demonstrating the importance of using between-subjects
designs in interval production experiments. Overall, our results suggest
that VR displays do produce a significant time compression effect. We discuss a
VR-induced reduction in bodily awareness as a potential explanation for how
this effect is mediated and outline some implications and suggestions for
follow-up experiments.