Abstract Dehydration and rehydration of a phlogopitic Ca-vermiculite were studied by thermoanalysis (TG, DSC) and by in situ X-ray powder diffractometry. A detailed analysis of the relationship between temperature and state of hydration of the vermiculite close to equilibrium at atmospheric pressure was rendered possible by use of low heating rates in combination with a fast recording position-sensitive detector. The results reveal the existence of a number of distinct states of hydration characterized by basal spacings of 1.515, 1.493, 1.473, 1.188, 1.176 and 0.95 nm. In confirmation of results obtained earlier with Mg-vermiculite, regular interstratification occurred at dehydration during the transition between two- to one- and between one- to zero-layer hydrates showing integral series of 00 l reflections with basal spacings of 2.67 and 2.11 nm, respectively.