Deep dewatering of waste activated sludge (WAS) is still a challenge due to high content of bound water and non-Newton fluid properties of sludge flocs. Electro-Fenton (EF) can enhance sludge dewaterability, however, low pH needed in homogeneous EF and fine flocs after EF conditioning influenced deep dewatering of sludge and the subsequent resource recovery disposal. In this study, a three dimension electro-Fenton (3D-EF) using Fe modified sludge biochar (Fe@SBC) as particle electrode, heterogeneous Fenton catalyst and skeleton builder for deep dewatering of sludge under neutral pH was proposed. Fe@SBC obtained at 800 °C exhibited high capacity of H2O2 electrogeneration and activation due to high conductivity and content of 2e-ORR selectivity functional groups. With promoted generation of H2O2 and hydroxyl radical (•OH), 3D-EF with Fe@SBC showed higher decomposition of bound extracellular polymeric substances (EPS) and disintegration of cells in sludge flocs, resulting in releasing bound and intracellular water into free water. Compared with EF, 3D-EF with Fe@SBC800 had higher ability in breaking macromolecules of protein and polysaccharide, as well as removing -COOH and -NH2 groups in EPS, which could facilitate release of bound water trapped in EPS and self-coagulation of fine flocs. During subsequent filtering process, Fe@SBC could enhance sludge filterability as skeleton builder. A synergetic effect of strong oxidation and physical conditioning were proposed in 3D-EF sludge dewaterability with Fe@SBC, and the improved oxidation by Fe@SBC was supposed to play the major role.