On the development of a generalized atmospheric boundary layer velocity profile for offshore engineering applications considering wind–wave interaction
Within industrial standards, effects due to wind–wave interaction on the marine atmospheric boundary layer (ABL) may be included via the Charnock sea-surface roughness parameter for open-sea and near-coastal waters. This roughness parameter does not accommodate the wide variety of wave states possible, nor does it modify the ABL to include speed-up effects resulting from an undulating wave profile. In an attempt to provide an updated definition of the general ABL profile for offshore wind engineering applications, an experimental and numerical study is performed to assess the interaction of the ABL on a fixed wave geometry. By extracting the mean velocity field during the wind–wave interaction, bespoke values of the velocity profile power exponent and wind risk factor can be obtained. A range of wave heights and wave lengths are considered from which a Kriging surrogate model is trained to supply the relevant wind profile parameters depending on the wave state. These newly garnered parameters enable the practitioner to define a reference wind velocity, and then adjust the velocity profile characteristics to contain the influence of the wave. This approach provides a new inlet velocity condition that can be used within computational wind engineering investigations without the need to explicitly model the wave surface, as well as flexibility in specifying the underlying wave conditions. Application of the re-calibrated velocity profile shows that wind forces are significantly greater throughout an offshore wind turbine (OWT) swept blade area when large (H= 15 m) and small (H= 1.5 m) wave heights are compared.